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Back to School Activity For Middle and High School Students

First day activities

Okay, they have arrived. Teenagers staring at you.  Maybe it is your first day teaching or one too many first days, but it is another back to school and you need the first day of class activities for high school students. 

First there are some basic things I do before the first day of class. This is, of course, is a short list because there are MILLIONS of things teachers do before the first day of class, but this list narrows it down to the basics that will allow me to get through the first day. 

First let’s look at what my priorities are for the first day back to school in high school: 

  • Put them in a seat
  • Learn their names
  • Create a classroom community (aka- get them talking and sharing)
  • Start to see patterns- who is the performer, leader, quiet but brilliant, demanding, attention getting, the list goes on
  • And I don’t want to spend a lot of money or make a bazillion copies. 

Before they show up prep

  • Print out roll sheets
  • Have a blank seating charts printed for each class
  • Have seats numbered! I use chalkboard markers!! I write the numbers right on the desk! They are easy to wash off and no printing, sticking, copying, laminating.
  • Have a seating plan created BEFORE they show up.  This can be alphabetical, random, whatever but have a seat for them before they show up.  It is not permanent and not set in stone, but once they choose their seat they are usually disgruntled when you say you want them somewhere else. Put them somewhere and move them later! 
  • Gather any materials for the first day of school activity 

Back to School Activities for High School

First class arrives! Here is the flow.

  • Greet them at the door and tell them their seat number. 
  • Once class begins, I go back over the class roll again and make sure I have everyone in the right spot.  This is also where I make  notes about names.  On my printed roll sheet I write their preferred names. Maybe her name is Cassandra but she goes by Cassie, this is where I write that down.
  • I also write the phonetic sound of names! This is crucial to me! If I have a students names that is spelled Danai and the student pronounces it as “Danny” then I write “Danny”.  But that same spelling could be pronounced “Duh-nay”. This is crucial to me developing a relationship with students because making the effort to pronounce their name correctly shows you care! 

After completing the roll, I move onto the roll the dice icebreaker

Back to School Icebreaker

This was a grab from a retiring teacher’s stash!

Roll the Dice


  • Sets of Dice (dollar store or Amazon)
  • Rules (google slide)

This activity establishes the idea that I want my classes to understand that they are going to be expected to talk and discuss and it gives me a first day overview of who my leaders, class clowns, rule followers, wall flowers etc. 

In Small Groups

  • Give a directive- “whoever has the smallest number on their desk goes first, then go in number order”
  • I model by rolling the dice and sharing first. 
  • They each take turns rolling the dice.
  • Each student shares their answers based on their colors.
  • Give them about 3-5 minutes.
  • Then they share out!

Another activity I do is the name game!!

Not sure this is a student favorite, but it helps me learn names within the first week! The name game is simple.

  • Start anywhere in the room.  This person has the easiest job! They simply say their name.
  • Decide on a flow- starting with that person, do you go clockwise? Right to left?
  • The next person says that person’s name and then adds their name.
  • The 3rd person says the first person’s name, the second person’s name, then adds their
  • 4th person- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, then adds their name
  • 5th person- you get the idea
  • At the end I go around and say all the names! It usually sticks!
  • Note: This stresses or frustrates some out. Those with unique names seem to get frustrated hearing other students struggle with their names.  I apologize from the beginning and say “I’m sorry if this causes you a moment of stress, do the best you can! It is important for me to learn your names and this ensures I do in the first week!” 
  • I talk about showing respect to others by trying to learn names and learning to say it correctly!
  • Most are good sports. I usually have one to two who refuse and I ask if they will try.  Some say yes and I just have everyone say their name one more time as we go around the room. Honesty, the point is to hear their names over and over. It is somewhat like creating a memory palace. If they flat refuse, I move on. 
  • I always thank them for being good sports!

Ending class with a Gallery Walk

My main activity is a gallery walk activity that begins the discussion of expectations, respect, and behavior. I will be sharing that soon!

For many students ( and teachers) the first day is like drinking through a fire hose, so much at once.  

You can find all the supporting documents in my Teachers Pay Teacher store.

Also come back to my blog for more ideas.  I will be sharing some additional first week activities for high school students through additional posts!  

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